From: | Barbara Legate <> |
To: | Katy Eloise Barnett <> |
Robert Stevens <> | |
CC: | Wright, Richard <> | | | | | | |
Date: | 08/02/2010 19:36:56 UTC |
Subject: | RE: Duty, and Breaking Eggs |
I am sheepish. I won a case that perhaps I ought not to have. My client
slipped and fell fracturing her ankle. She was picking up her child from
a day care center. The direct route to the front door was blocked by a
car. That route was down three steps to the front door. The car park ran
the length of the building, but as the building was at a lower grade
than the parking lot, there was a retaining wall bounded by a railway
tie that ran the length of it. Between the retaining wall and the
building ran a sidewalk that was used as a ramp for those in
My client stepped off the retaining wall, did a banana peel slip and
fell onto the sidewalk. The injury occurred when her ankle twisted on
the railway tie.
A large plate glass window was opposite the sidewalk. That breached the
building code ( an exit route cannot have a plate glass window beside it
since it could blow out in a fire). I led evidence of this. My opponent
objected saying it was irrelevant. I said my opponent could not rely on
a negligently placed alternate route.
A jury agreed. The OCA agreed that I should not have led the evidence,
but that the result would have obtained in any event, so I won. The link
to the case follows: Zavitz v London Bridge.
This is what they said:
We agree with the appellant that the evidence of Mr. Surowiak concerning
the walkway and its failure to meet the fire safety requirements of the
Building Code should not have been admitted. In our view, it was
[2] That said, we are satisfied that its admission occasioned no
substantial wrong or miscarriage of justice. The irrelevance of the
impugned evidence would have been apparent to the jury having regard to
defence counsel's closing address and the trial judge's charge, in which
he questioned, at two points, the value of that evidence and what it had
to do with the case.
[3] Moreover, the position of the defence at trial was that the
retaining wall provided a safe means of access into the building and
hence, the availability of an alternate route via the walkway was at
best, a marginal factor.
-----Original Message-----
From: Katy Eloise Barnett []
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 7:34 PM
To: Robert Stevens
Cc: Wright, Richard;;;
Subject: RE: Duty, and Breaking Eggs
In answer to an earlier question, allergic reaction to eggs only rarely
results in anaphylaxis.
Here's another question. I'm allergic to tree nuts - if I eat them I get
an anaphylactic reaction. Consequently, I *always* take my adrenaline
auto-injector wherever I go. This is regardless of whether someone has
assured me that there's no nuts in food, because as this case shows,
always possible for mistakes to occur.
If this poor man knew he suffered an anaphylactic reaction to eggs,
he have carried an adrenaline auto-injector with him, even if he thought
that there would not be eggs in the food? In that case, is there an
of contributory negligence? It would depend, I suppose, whether the
reasonable person who suffers from anaphylaxis is like me and takes her
adrenaline with her everywhere she goes.
Another question: how effective is the frequent disclaimer on food "may
contain traces of nuts"? I have never come across a more irritating
disclaimer. I'm allergic to tree nuts but not peanuts. I've talked with
other people who are allergic to nuts, and we've agreed that we
"risk it" when a product says "may contain traces of nuts" otherwise our
diet would become very limited indeed - just about everything has the
disclaimer, and it seems to mean "it's not our fault if, on a
million-to-one-chance, a peanut accidentally falls in the vanilla
ice-cream mix and gives you an allergic reaction". I've never had a
problem yet...although as I say, I carry my injector with me all the
> Sorry for biting again, on Richard's last point.
> I do not accept that Mackie's view, which I endorse, leads to these
obviously incorrect results.
> So, taking just the last example. It would be logically correct to say
that without BOTH the failure to brake AND the nonworkability of the
brakes the harm the plaintiff suffered would ot have occurred, so that
both of them, together, are a cause of the harm suffered. The mistake
> my view) is to think that that means that either individually
> a cause of the injury, which they do not as the injury would have
> regardless of either one of them. (The same point holds good in
to all the other examples.) So, Mackie's view does not lead to the view
that the nonwrokability of the brake, alone, is a cause.
> Mackie, of course, was a philosopher and so that answer, for his
> suffices. For us, as lawyers, a different problem arises. Is it a
> legally, that we canot say as a matter of logic at the time of tral as
against either the mechanic or the driver individually that their
negligence was a cause of the harm suffered as we know that the harm
> have been suffered anyway, because of the negligence of the other
> Not at all. The correct question is to ask whether the defendant has
wronged the plaintiff. Whether D has committed a wrong vis a vis P is
wholly unaffected by whether someone else has committed a wrong, or
> have committed a wrong if D had not. In this case, what potentially
the mechanic's conduct a breach of a duty owed to the plaintff (failure
> the brakes) never occurred, whilst the opposite is true of the driver.
> another way, it simply does not matter as a matter of law that the
> would have happened anyway. If I punch you on the nose I am a
and it doesn't matter that someone else does too, or would have done if
> had not.
> So, if two people set fire to my house both are wrongdoers, and both
also jointly liable for any consequential loss. If a loss would not have
been suffered but for the comission of one or more wrongs, each
> is (jointly) liable for this loss, even if the loss would have been
suffered because of the wrong of someone else. This is a rule of law,
> lawyers have virtually nothing of interest to say to philosophers
what 'causation' means.
> For me, if you think your legal analysis requires you to argue that X
> cause Y even where Y would have happened regardless of X, something
have gone wrong with the legal analysis.
> best
> Rob
>> Regarding the latter (on which I have written a lot), i will only say
> here
>> that Mackie's aggregation approach to finding but-for causation is
> almost
>> universally considered unacceptable. Among other things, it would
> to
>> treating the preempted poisoning as well as the preemptive shooting
> causes of the victim's death in the shooting of poisoned person
>> hypothetical, to the strange conclusion that the aggregate fire was a
> cause (contributed) although neither fire individually was, and to
treating both the failure to brake and the nonworkability of the brakes
>> causes (exactly opposite to Rob's conclusion) in the braking
> hypothetical.